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not sure what to do...............


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hi everyone im back again,had a really bad few weeks.I have been in hospital and had my gal bladder removed,before my op the GP told me that she would look at my medication as i have been getting alot of night terrors and my mood swings have been all over the place.I was on Amitryptaline 75mg and I stopped them day before my operation and didn't take them after.I went to GP and she didn't now what to give me so she put me back on Sertraline, These also gave me night terrors but on the Amitryptiline i was waking,jumping up and feeling my heart had slowed down and also i was a nervous wreck,every noise i was jumping and my heart felt like it was slowing down.I have seen a psychiatrist 3 times and every time they have said there nothing else they can do as i cant do the group therapy,my GP told me that the psychiatrist had said that CBT didn't work for me but to my belief I have never had CBT. At this moment i am feeling very low,feel like Im on my own,emotional and so tired all the time,i get pains in legs and all over,I feel drained.I just dont now what to do,,wondering about changing GP as the dr doesn't seem to understand and keeps pushing me out the door,if i don't feel better go back.I cant take the Sertraline as im worried and get very scarred with the night terros,on these before i was waking feeling like there was someone in my bedroom,and i would panic and not be able to sleep..Can anyone help as I live with my son who is at the moment doing his GCSES and really doesn't need me going into myself and cutting him off..Any advice would be appreciated thanks Kim 

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Hi Kim, it does sound really difficult. I think it is definitely worth changing your GP as you really need someone who is going to listen. It doesn't help when they push you out of the door. A new GP might have more ideas about medication. I find that amitriptyline sends me very deeply to sleep so there are no night terrors, have you tried with a higher dose? (obviously I mean under a GP's supervision, I don't mean increase it on your own) I take 100mg and used to take 150mg. I don't want to suggest anything else but some doctors will give you combinations of meds, for example an anti depressant for the actual depression and something else to help deal with the side effects. If you can find a GP who listens to you properly they might be able to work out something that actually helps.

It is odd about the CBT. If you've had therapy it's possible your therapy used CBT techniques without telling you what they were- my therapist was a CBT therapist but did use other techniques including DBT and acceptance & commitment therapy. He told me what kind of therapy they were from but if he hadn't done that, I wouldn't have known. Maybe if you can get a good GP this is something they can look into as it might just be a mistake- my mh centre sends letters to the GP and there are quite often mistakes- but you might prefer to concentrate on your health for now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you for your reply Lonelyheartemma,I am going to try another dr as this one is clearly not helping,i have tried another in same practice and she has given me fluxotine but at the moment still feeling very low and having the night terrors,they are quite intense were i feel my heart is slowing down and i have to sit up and stay awake for a while.maybe my sub concious is playing tricks on me..thanks again for your reply Kim 

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