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I have had them for yrs because of anxiety but this past week they have got worse my heart feels like its fluttering at home as well as out. I took a bad panic attack in bed last night and woke several times and my heart was thumping. I'm worried, I was in hospital three weeks ago and they dx me with a blood clot on my lung and my ecg was abnormal I'm waiting on a heart scan. I don't go to the doctor cause they send me to the hospital which is an hour away and my partner complains about taking me and having to wait. So what do I do I'm worried now but I don't want to waste the hospitals time if its just anxiety x


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Is it possible to phone your doctor and have a chat about your concerns? I personally don't think you'd be wasting anyone's time.. even if it is 'just' anxiety, it is a very real and scary experience for you. It might be that they could give you some medication to help with the palpitations or something?


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((((Addy)))) I'm having palpitations too and it's not nice is it? It's very worrying and can be painful too. I agree with Jenny that it might be worth discussing the problem with your doctor. They should understand that getting to the hospital isn't easy for everyone and might involve having to rely on other people.

It might be possible for you to go in an ambulance - I was offered an ambulance when I had to go to another hospital some distance away. I decided I preferred the train but it was an option even though I technically wasn't an emergency patient. Idk if it would be an option for you. Also at a lot of hospitals (in Wales anyway) you can get a free taxi home from the hospital. So even if you have to pay one way you can get back for free.

But I don't think you have to go to the hospital just because a medical professional advises it. There might be something the doctor can do even if it's only something small and it might be better go to the doctor than to go nowhere.

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I spoke to my GP a few weeks ago she told me to try not to worry that they were treating me for a clot and I needed a heart scan to rule out anything else but its scary waiting. I panic travelling Emma and I need someone with me and it isn't ideal as i have young children and its hard to get someone to keep them and my partner knows how scared I am so he tries to stay. I was at choir tonight which helped relax me abit but my side where I have the clot aches that must be a muscular thing. Do you get them alot Emma? Thankyou jenny and Emma for replying xx

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Dear addy, just want to send you hugs and send you some courage. I hope that you can relax a bit and sleep tonight.


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I'm sorry Addy, I forgot you have a problem with travelling. Definitely don't go in a taxi! If an ambulance is an option for you, they can give you meds to help calm you and obviously they'll have had experience of it but if going with your partner is the best thing for you then that's what you should do.

I am getting them a lot now. About 4 years ago my heartbeat was permanently 120 a minute and sometimes went higher, I always had this but it was always written off as anxiety about being at the doctors and no one believed it was like this all the time. Then finally they worked it out and got my heartbeat down to about 100 a minute. But now it keeps rushing up to 120 again. Not every day but when it does happen it's 2-3 times a day.

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they have eased abit but the slightest stress and my heart starts racing its never been this bad. Went shopping today and took a panic attack and got so dizzy I'm so stressed. Sorry you have them too they are horrible aren't they? I hope you both have a good weekend, Kara and Emma xx

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