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hi guys,

has as anyone here suffered with fibromyalgia. I keep looking at what's wrong and that's what it always comes back too. I try talking to the doctors and they ignore me. All the listen too is pain in my back and ignore everything else.

im going crazy even as I type this its effort to hold my hands up. My pain is terrible and I'm so tired all the time. I'm struggling to keep going. No one listens.

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Hi Charlie,

There have been topics on Fibro in the past - have you tried searching the site for them?

I'm sorry you are in so much pain, I have a friend with Fibromyalgia and I know how bad it can get.  (Gentle) hugs to you :) xx

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((((Charlie))))) I have fibromyalgia. It's horrible. I have also experienced difficulty in getting doctors to listen. It's very depressing.

The trouble is you'd need a rheumatologist to make the diagnosis and I think the only way of getting one is a referral from the doctor. I know it's difficult and I don't blame you for giving up hope but keep trying with the doctor. See different doctors if you can. It's actually very quick for a doctor to work out if it's worth referring you - they touch you at certain places on your back and arms and you tell them if you feel pain so it's not like it's going to take up a lot of their time.

But actually now I have the diagnosis nothing has really changed. The rheumatologist just told me to get fresh air and keep playing the cello. I find going out makes me feel worse. The cello is good with mild pain in that it distracts me but it makes severe pain worse. 

The things that have helped most are things that aren't medical at all. I go to a beauty parlour and receive massages but you'll need to tell them to massage lightly and start off just with 15 minutes. Exactly the right massage can be really helpful but if it's too long or too heavy it can make you worse. Massages are quite expensive but look out for special offers.

Hot baths can also help (though I doubt you'd want one at this time of year!), painkillers are a big part of my life, I have a magnetised back support that helps a bit. Kinesio tape can help with the back pain, through it tends to fall off my neck and shoulders. Swimming is supposed to be very good but I've never tried it.

Have you looked at this page? http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Fibromyalgia/Pages/SelfHelp.aspx

Not everything will work for you as we're all different but you might find something. I really hope you do because it's not nice living with pain.

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Hi guys,

Its really tough. I am in pain all the time and it gets me depressed but the worst part for me is the exhaustion that comes with it. I'm wanting to sleep all the time but I know if I do I won't sleep at night properly, not that I do anyway. Both together make life and work hard and then the BPD on top of it it's like I'm a walking disaster.

I spoke to a Doctor the other day and she mentioned that she thinks it could be fibromyalgia. I'm currently being treated at the pain clinic for my back but I have just moved house so I am not sure what that means now. 

I am on gabapentin which has just been up to again because I was only on a starting dose. I'm taking six tablets a day. 

I have looked at the symptoms of this and I've got 8/10 of them. It's horrid but now a Dr has said it could be this it makes me feel listened too. I burst out crying to be fair but I've got a double appointment about it in two weeks so we will see. I need to get re-referred to someone on the Wirral because I was under Liverpool until I moved which has messed up all my care plans for the BPD too.

im sorry that it isn't getting easier for you emma I hope something gives and it starts turning around for you.


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