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Dealing with isolation


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Hi all,

Since leaving work in 2013 I realised that I don't actually know anybody outside of our family. This wasn't a problem for too long as my partner had to leave work in order to become a full time carer for myself. As things have improved over the last couple of years my partner has now gone back to work and is making friends with those who she works with (which is a good thing).

Now I've found myself in a situation where I feel very isolated. Her job is shift based, often giving shifts that finish at 10pm. During the day I look after our two young daughters (2 and 4) and family are usually at work. In the evenings I'm unable to visit family as the children are asleep (I could take them out to visit family in the evenings, but late nights leads to grumpy mornings).

There's a limit to how far a conversation goes with the children, that and they lack concentration!

I would love to have some time for myself out at groups as I have a range of hobbies from photography to restoring a classic car (modernish, 25 years old), but I suffer with anxiety which always seems to get in the way of starting out with a group.

Does anybody have any tips for dealing with isolation?


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