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Why Do People Lie........


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About negative things? Such as past abuse or the state of there mental health for example?

I used to think that it was to do with gaining attention.But why not then lie about more positive things? I dont know say you have this great high powerd job or something.

Why about things that causse so much pain to others whgo really have experiencved such things?

What do they gain from making such things up? Because any support offerd is not going to be relevent to there real issues anyway.

Anyone got any thoughts on this?

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Hallo petal. I've known people like this. I'm not sure but I think that they felt very needy and were in a way jealous of me and others having a reason to get help. Maybe they felt that no-one would help them if they just said "I need". These people were without friends or supportive family so maybe they wanted to make thier feelings of neglect into something more physical in order to gain attention and care. Just a theory. Safe hugz


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Maybe they lie because they have a different disorder, and they can't hep themselves.

I know that I am often less then honest with my psych, mainly because I think I try to give the answers that he wants. Is this similar?

Why do we do anything? its all there hidden somewhere in our sub-concious

Take care Laura


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I have lied about my past previously a long time ago when I was a teenager I always thoguth my feelling were too extreme for what I remember.... That has changed for me now mostly I still struggle with when I am low I don't think I have the right to be and start thinking about bad things that happened so as to justify my mood.

not sure if this is how it is for the person your talking about...My only advice would be to ask her why???

mrs Tree

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I read once that people who lie are really hiding their real stories that would be to much to bear so they make up different lifes that really arent theres so they dont have to feel the feelings associated with teh story. If they were to tell their true story it would be to overwhelming.

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I'm sure everyone has their own reasons, but the first thought that comes into my mind is that it justifies why they feel so bad. Maybe they just can't handle the fact that there is something mentally wrong with no obvious reason. I think there are a lot of misconceptions out there that you have to have had an abusive childhood to grow up depressed. So someone who is depressed who has no abuse feels like there is REALLY something wrong with them and feels the need to lie to make them normal to others who are dpressed. It's bad enough not to feel "normal" with "normal" people, but when you also don't feel "normal" with depressed people...that is extremely isolating.

The reason i think this is because I have no abusive background. We moved a lot. I never had a chance to establish any kind of roots, and I was terribly mistreated by my peers up until college, but I don't have a history of family abuse.

So I can understand the compulsion to lie. I haven't though...but it feels weird to here you guys talk about your horrid pasts which explains why you feel the way you do and I had a fairly normal childhood but still feel the way you do as well.

Does this make any sense?


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