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Whats The Most.............


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*Spent an hour on the train tracks and held a man who tried to help me hostage there

*Squirted breast milk over my consultant psych (on purpose apparently)

*laughed like a psycho all through a funeral

*Ordered fuck loads of stuff that I could/cant ever pay for.

*Spent a night convinced a hoover was going to kill me and that a squirrel that was really a budgie was going to kill me

*Running around cambs city centre (was a size 8 at the time) naked

*Getting on a bus and refusing to pay and then refusing to move from it because it was over an hour late

*Smashing a glass bottle over a mans head because he has wisperd in my ear at the bar earlier on that I was a slut and droped an ice cube down my back (long story)

*Taking my ex's parents car at 15 and taking it to pick up crack in the city centre.Then bringinmg it back and pushing it back in its place in the drive.

Sorry, just a quick few things there.

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worst thing Toon knows but its triggery so wont say,collage of my meds along with razors stuck to it got a few looks in psych outpatients office though,especially as I used meds to print the drugs dont work they just make you crazy as in the song,quite proud of it in a perverse manner

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ah, I just got mild stuff.

*taking a shower in a community shower with all my clothes on

*puddle-jumping/mudsliding as a full grown adult

but my dumbest thing was ever trusting a shrink

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put 8 temazepam in mums boyfriends gravy(liquid in middle) when knew he had long drive.(nothing happened)

smashed every downstairs window in some sluts house who i caught first husband with (i was 8 months pregnant)

climbed through ex dads bedroom window and nicked enough cash out of his wallet to get taxi to leicester and go to all night nightclub then get taxi home.

threw vacumn cleaner through patio doors

poured sack of birdseed out of bedroom window onto 2nd husbands head

set someones hair on fire

sat in car for 3 hours every saturday night in town to try and catch last partner with someone else.(when we lived together)

smashed old style phone over his head and thought id killed him (he called me horrible names)

every day for week before i moved out i took both his credit cards out of wallet whilst he asleep and took maximum amount out(about 6 grand)

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Wrote my car off (and nearly managed to kill myself) by driving it through the front porch of the Priory (huge glass windows) at 1.45 am after they had thrown me out because they couldn't make my bank cards work despite there being money in the accounts.

I'd just discharged myself from Kingston Hospital because they'd given me no meds and no one would tell me why and the withdrawal symptoms five days after you stop taking 375 mg venlafaxine daily are pretty awful - paranoia rules

It will be exactly a year on Wednesday.

It got me banned from the P and meant I couldn't see my lovely Dr M who I was seeing weekly or my therapist again at all.

Still fighting it though because Dr M booked me in knowing that Kingston wanted to section me, the money was available, the senior nurse and duty doctor when I arrived didn't assess me despite having all my notes. Got a security guard to escort me to the front door which he locked behind me and they didn't even think to offer to get me a taxi or keep me in until the banks opened and they could check out the problem!

Funny thing is, there are no notes or written records of anything being done at any stage that evening . . .

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this is what puts me off therapy and opening up I know I will get attached,scare shitless of being rejected.

And I know I bleed all over the place here verbally but in real life I dont let anyone that close.

Im sorry you went through this,dont think I could


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If I hadn't found this place I wouldn't have survived it. But I realised shortly after the crash that I had two options - either get my life together, get better and go for all my ambitions - or end up surviving on benefits and probably end up in Ashworth or Broadmoor for inadvertantly hurting or killing someone in the process of trying to take my own life. Scary prospect, so I decided to make a success of things. Seems to be working, I'm much better than I was a year ago - one friend says I'm like a totally different person, which has gotta be good. And also I'm really angry about the way that we are treated like shit compared with anyone with a physical illness. The private hospitals just want your money, the NHS knows psych cash is an easy target to divert to more popular areas. I know I was really lucky to have private health insurance when I got sick and money (and no other commitments) to afford the Priory, but I also spent time in my local ward and I was sickened and shocked at what it said about the value that is placed on our lives compared with other illnesses. So maybe it was the turning point I needed - before that I had no will to do anything, nor any reason.

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I had photo's of my now well was ex dressed in womens clothes he was a body builder and worked at a sports stadium so i sent the pics of him dressed up to work and the gym....that'll teach him to screw around behind my back lol

Mrs TRee

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want to add. I hav never done anything to anyone who hasnt inflicted mental or emotional or physical abuse on me for prolonged periods before i snapped.The only way i can move forward is to do something back so i feel some sort of justice has been done.

i also sent a womans skirt with photo of a man stuck to it to a man who had used me for a one night stand when he was in prison with note saying i know he would be upset if he didnt have it to sleep in every night. :lol:

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