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Im On A Rollercoaster....

Nick H.

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Hi all, I have recently become involved with a girl i have known for 5 years. Aware she'd had a history of self harm, and had just been discharged from 21 month stay in a secure unit. Assumed she suffered from acute depression. Id never heard of BPD, and now im on an emotional rollercoaster. She's currently under section again, im looking for light at the end of the tunnel. I love her too much and really dont want to give up on her, but its pulling me down now.

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I understand your dilemma from the other side, I've just moved in with a guy I still refuse to call my boyfriend- we met about 3 years ago through mutual friends. In fact the first night we met I was on leave from hospital and had nowhere to stay having had my keys and stuff taken by the police, so he knew from the start. We stayed up all night talking and he had to work the next day. I realised it was nice to have someone who could bear to be around me when I was so miserable. 6 months later we fell out big time and I refused to speak to him. About a year later we bumped into each other on the street and met quite regularly. What you have to ask yourself is; Is she worth it? But most of all- are you strong enough to cope with it? On the occasions things have broken down he tends to try and mimic my self-ham behaviour- very very bad thing to do. Not to mention insulting. As I told him just this evening 'there's only one room for one crazy person in this relationship, and I called it first. Quit touching my stuff!' He tells me it's woth it even though it is a rollercoaster. You have to be pretty stable to take that. Also, don't mean to be in anyway judgmental, but I'm not surprised she's been sectioned- after 21 months in a secure unit, completely safe from yourself and everyone else? You can't just be 'released' and expect to fend for yourself. My skills group leader admits that therapists are crap in that they only give help when things have REALLY gone wrong, but then none when things start to improve. As you say yourself, it's a rollercoaster, being up means you're out there on your own with all this shit, so when things go bad, no really takes notice until crisis point is reached. This is bad since it totally reinforces the destruction. I kinda hope you do decide to help. Maybe that's just the romantic in me!

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Welcome to the site Nick,

Glad you found us......You will find alot of information here as well as alot of support. Hang in there....Hugssssssssssssssss

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